The Installation Breakfast is held the first Tuesday in October (which is the start of Kiwanis International’s fiscal year) at the Club’s regular meeting location. The Breakfast is catered by a local area restaurant. The newly elected Club officers and directors are installed by the Division 13 newly installed Lt. Governor. All members and spouses are invited to attend this event.
The Holiday Breakfast is held during December, often times at a local restaurant for members and their spouses. This event usually includes some type of entertainment and may involve a small fee.
This afternoon event often revolves around a Mardi Gras theme. Ice cream sundaes, along with various toppings, are served plus root beer floats. Members and spouses are invited to attend this special event.
Pizza Party/Pot Luck (Apr.) This event is usually held at a Rec Center facility and gives the Club a chance to say goodbye to all Associate members as well as snowbirds headed to cooler climates for the summer. The Club looks forward to their return each Fall.